
Monday, April 29, 2013

Knitting and More

I have finally decided to start talking knitting again video casts as well as things goin gon in life. I have been busy with many things in my life good bad and some ugly. I have found that it may be beneficial for not only myself but you as well. I have knit a few scarves still trying the sock thing which has yet to come to me to finish. I am so happy to say I have a sweater just about finished. I have the sleeves and then collar and trim and its done. The sweater is one by Hannah Fedig (forgive my spelling) The Effortless Cardigan which can be found on a wonderful site for all knitting and crocheting crafters alike a great community of love and passion for crafts.
I will be podcasting again starting May 1, 2013 with much to show and chat about. Hope to inspire you as well as share with you the many other casters out there.

Much Love
Always Hungryforyarn